the business alliance

The Business Alliance is a membership for business partners who believe in the power of a thriving athletic program and influential student-athletes.

Undoubtedly, the influence and reach of our student-athletes is greater now than it has ever been.

Our position as a marketing agency for Long Beach student-athletes allows you to utilize their platforms in partnership to engage and reach your ideal customers.

Joining is an investment in our student-athletes, coaches & teams. A strong NIL program positions our athletics programs for success and to drive economic impact.


All Business Alliance Partners Receive:

  • Social media and email activation for your brand

  • Link to your business on The Alliance website as Business Alliance partner

  • Quarterly calls with Long Beach Leaders

  • Silver & Gold memberships come with athlete specific promotion

bronze partner

Revenue Share & Round Up

A portion of sales on a store, product, event, date or round up campaign are contributed to The Alliance

Pine Ave Business Members Receive:

  • Announcement on social media

  • Logo & link on Alliance Website

  • Promo in Alliance members email

silver partner

Digital Athlete Promotion

Utilize athletes to promote your business to their reach on social media

Belmont Shore Business Members Receive:

  • All Pine Ave level benefits

  • One (1) custom promotion on athlete’s social media

  • Customized promotional video from Long Beach Basketball athlete

  • 2 guest passes for Alliance events

gold partner

Athlete Appearances

Create custom in person & digital campaigns using Long Beach student-athletes

Ocean Blvd. Business Members Receive:

  • All Belmont Shore level benefits

  • One (1) in person activation with Long Beach Basketball athletes

  • Collaborative social media campaign with athletes

  • Access to VIP Alliance events


let’s get to work.

Let us know how you’d like to work with our student-athletes or if you have any questions about the collective and our memberships!